2007年3月25日 星期日

Summary of “Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads”

Neil Walkingshaw just had a new born baby. Because his wife needs to work after her maternity leave ended, he talked about with his boss if he could take cares his baby or not. But his boss said no! He tried to accuse his boss, and he win, at least. In the past, a thing that taking cares baby always for the mother, but now there are a lot of changes about that. There are many fathers and grand fathers to learn how to take cares their baby increasingly. The society also have large changes, many social scientists think that a father plays a role is quite different from a mother in child development. Studies have also discovered that if father at home would reduce the juvenile crime rates. In recent years, organizations bring up that the father play an active role in child’s life. Many specialists think that the social would have a lot of change, and the role of the father would be important than before.

1 則留言:

Chuehjung Lee(Rachel) 提到...

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