2007年3月11日 星期日

About Katie's

Hi, everyone! I'm so glad that I can talk something about me and let you know me more.

(Ⅰ)About My Family

There are 5 people in my family, grand father, Dad, Mom, younger sister and me.

My grand father is 73 years old. He had worked in CPC until he65 years old. He always cares that would we cold or not, and tells us to wear more clothes. Now, he is a volunteer in my commune. Grandpa likes his life very much; he also gets a lot of friends.

My dad, Tony is a teacher at the elementary school in Kaohsiung County. He likes to sing, read, write calligraphy, and so on. Daddy is always good to my sister and me. He often talks something about philosophy of life and let us think how make our future better than now. Father is a humorist, too. He likes talking many interesting things in his school. I really love him so much.

My mother, Lisa is a house keeper. She cares for us very much and gives much love for us. Mom is prefect mother; because she always wants that we could be in good health and have a wonderful childhood. She also is a good cook. Every vegetables and fruits, she could turn to delicious food in her hands, let we usually amazing.

My younger sister, Jane is a senior high school student. She likes singing, dancing, drawing, and playing guitar. Jane is a cute girl that she could get many friends in her school. In my life, she not just a sister but also is a good friend. I think I couldn’t lose it.

(Ⅱ)About Me

My name is Katie. I was born in Chiayi, but I live in Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung is a place that nears the sea. There is a city that you can feel everyone is friendly. That is why I love my country so much.

I was born in Jane 12. My sign is Gemini, so I likes freedom and makes friends. I have many interests. For example, I like singing so much. When I was a little girl in elementary school, I joined in the club of singing; we also attended to a competition and got the championship. I also like playing instruments, like guitar, keyboard, jazz drum, and so on. I join in the club of ballroom dancing. I think that is not only a club but also I can learn many beautiful amenities.

I really want to learn much and travel to many different countries, so I need to build my language abilities. I hope I could accomplish my dream in my feature. Before then, I need study more and
graduate from university. For let my dream come true, I think I should do more effort in my study.

2 則留言:

Cindy(neiko) 提到...

Hi Katie~
Your dancing is very beautiful!
And your voice is also beautiful, too!
I love your singing.(o^-')b

匿名 提到...

Hi~my dear daughter~
Mom is so proud of you>///<
Your dancing is so fetching,I really love it!Pretty well!